Welcome To Arinna Jewelry

Arinna is an all-metal, timeless chic jewelry brand that is owned and operated by the well-known jeweler Kinsley Armelle.

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What We Value - High Quality Materials

Here at Arinna Jewelry Company, quality comes first. Learn more about the materials used for our products.

  • 18k Ion Plated Stainless Steel

    Ion plated jewelry has been proven to be five to eight times more durable than traditional methods used in coating jewelry. Ion plating requires less material for coating due to its process; therefore, Ion Plated (IP) Stainless Steel is not only great for durability, it also helps to ensure the integrity of our pieces.

  • Zircon Gemstones

    Zircon is a beautiful, natural gemstone with a high refractive index and strong dispersion. Otherwise known as an actively brilliant stone that's full of fire! It comes in a wide variety of colors - ranging anywhere from yellow, brown, orange, red, violet, green, blue and colorless.

Featured Material - Zircon Gemstones

Zircon Gemstones

Zircon is a beautiful, natural gemstone with a high refractive index and...